Texas A&M Formula SAE Electric Website
The purpose of the Texas A&M Formula Electric FSAE Team is to develop engineers who excel in the field of sustainable transportation engineering, primarily through the hands-on design, manufacturing, and testing of an electric formula-style vehicle.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to produce the highest caliber of engineering students by designing, building, and competing with an electric racecar. Through continuous improvement, teamwork, and a commitment to engineering principles and safety, we strive to create a foundation for success.
Applications Are Open
click the button below to apply
About Us
Formula Electric is a brand new team at Texas A&M that is a part of SAE International’s Collegiate Design Series, which enables students to design, build, and test the performance of a Formula E style race car and compete with other students from around the globe.
The Formula Electric team is an exciting new venture for TAMU SAE. The formation of this team has been in discussion for several years and it has finally been brought to life with a team of 21 dedicated engineers in the spring 2021 semester.
As TAMU SAE’s first Formula Electric team we have the incredible responsibility and privilege to lay groundwork for many years to come. We are utilizing our extra time and abundant resources to plan, research, and prepare for the 2021-22 competition year. We also have the unique opportunity to include members of diverse engineering backgrounds compared to Formula IC.
Our team will continue to fundraise, research and learn vehicle design, and finalize team structure and goals throughout the spring 2021 semester. We will then design the car in fall 2021 and build and test it in the following spring for our first competition.
If you would like to get in touch with the Formula Electric program at Texas A&M, feel free to email us at: tamuformulaelectric@gmail.com